Sean Hagan, legal counsellor of the IMF, says that in Portugal there is now a big increase in out-of-court restructurings of corporate debt ( to circumvent the woefully slow court system). IMF法律顾问肖恩•黑根(SeanHagan)表示,葡萄牙的企业债务庭外重组(目的是绕开办事效率极低的法庭体系)出现了大幅增加。
Restudy of Business Judgment Rule: Compromise of Corporate Autonomy and Court Restriction 经营判断法则新议&公司自治与法院自制的妥协解
Having been approved by the creditor anti shareholders, the corporate reorganization plan will not come into legal effect until the ratification by the court. 重整计划经各组债权人和股东同意后,要发生法律效力必须经法院批准。
Disregard of corporate personality is a case law principle initiated in judging corporate dispute cases by American court, also called by lifting the veil of the corporation. 公司法人格否认是美国法院在审理公司纠纷案件中首创的一个判例法原则,也称揭开公司法人面纱。
An Analysis of Conditions of Ratification of Corporate Reorganization Plan by the Court 法院批准公司重整计划的条件探析
It believes that the judicial relief of corporate deadlock shall adopt diversified relief way, which could give more options to the court and disputes. 笔者认为,公司僵局的司法救济应当采取多元化的救济方式,让法院以及纠纷中的股东都多几种选择。